Oct. 3, 1862 Capt. George Graham to John P. Buchanan

                                                Bunker Hill Virginia
                                                Oct 3 1862
Mr. John P. Buchanan
                                                Dear John
I have been thinking about writing to you for some time but the circumstances with which I have been surrounded have been sutch
[sic] that I could not[.]

____ Wm Preston was with us a few days and from him I was sorry to learn that Arthur was still in feeble health[.] It is of no use for him to undertake to stand the service; from what I learn concerning him. I advise you to report him to some Commitioned Surg of the Army and forward to me a certificate of Disability and I will try and obtain his discharge & send it to him[.]

I do not know whether youl [sic] have any commitioned Surgeon at Bristol or not[.] I know there is one at Emory and if there is none nearer report to him for the department here will not act on the certificate of a physition[.] I care not how good a one he is if he be not a commitioned Surg of the CSA.

Moses is quite harty [sic] and has been for some time he has seen the Elephant [been under enemy fire] during the last two months has been in all the late Battles and is yet unhurt[.]

I scarcely know what else to say there are so many things that I know would interest you. We have been fighting almost every week for some time; was over into Maryland for a few days where we had some hard fighting looseing some of our best men[;] Wm Reh [Rhea] & his Brother Lt John A. Reh [Rhea] are both dead[.] Billy was killed dead in the battle of Sharpsburg & Lt. mortally wounded. But I suppose you by this time have learned all the points[.] Our entire army is encamped near this place which is about half way between Winchester & Martinsburg[.] My opinion is that the scene of action will again be shifted in the direction of Richmond[.]

I am in usual health ____ received no wounds of any note as yet[.] I am however the only Capt of the original ten that is now in the Regt. Col Terry was severely wounded in the rist[sic][.] I was truly sorry to here of the affliction in Dr. Keys Family. There are many deaths at home as well as in the Army[.]

Give my respects to all inquiring Friends
Your Friend
Geo. Graham

To John P. Buchanan


Six days after the above letter was written Arthur Buchanan received a certificate of disability for discharge from the Confederate Army. A copy of the certificate is linked to Arthur's page. Click on his name to read more about Arthur and his family.