R. Cole letter to R.W. McDonald

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                                                                           Tulsa, Oklahoma,
                                                                           Jan. 21, 1940

Mr. R. W. McDonald,
824 North 9th St.,
St. Joseph, Mo.

Dear Mr. McDonald:
 I was born in Andrew Co., Mo., in 1881, and am the son of James B. Cole, who now lives in Columbia, Mo., but who formerly lived east and then north of Savannah.   I was born in the home of one “Brac_” Beattie (an Uncle of mine by marriage) who lived east of Savannah.  He was related by blood with Armstrong Beattie who lived and died in St. Joseph.
 Armstrong Beattie came to Buchanan County from Boone County.  His father James Beattie (a Virginian) died in Boone County in 1821, and records in the courts there indicate he had at least three sons and four daughters.  The daughters were Betty, Malinda, Margaret and Henrietta.  The sons were ARMSTRONG (named above), Matthew Ryburn and Thomas E. Beattie.  The Beatties of whom these persons were a part, lived in Washington County, Va., and gradually migrated to Missouri.  There are numerous representatives of the family in Missouri.  Several different groups of cousins lived in Andrew County, and I feel that possibly some of them lived in St. Joseph.
 Your name was given to me by my Uncle, Sam F. Cole, of St. Joseph, and it seems your father, R. D. McDonald, may have been related someway to Armstrong Beattie, or to his wife.  I am trying to discover if I can what became of the brothers and sisters of Armstrong Beattie, and whether they married and left descendants.  I know of course that A. Beattie had no children.  Thomas E. Beattie seems to have died before 1825.  Matthew Ryburn Beattie, married in Boone County, an Amanda Cowan.  On his death she married a Mr. Hardin Dysart of Andrew County, but Hardin died in Saline Co.  I know nothing whatever of the grandchildren, if any of James Beattie, who died in Boone County in 1821.  It is infrmation [sic] regarding these descendants of James Beattie that I seek.  I would be most grateful to you therefore if you would search your recollection regarding the near relatives of Mr. Armstrong Beattie and then be good enough to fill out for me the questionnaire, I enclose, which will, I feel, give me the clue to this family I seek.  My object in seeking this data is to supplement a vast amount of Beattie Family date [sic], I now possess, and I hope in time to publish a story of this most interesting Virginia Family.  Your aid would be greatly appreciated.
                                                                                                  Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                  Redmond S. Cole
                                                                                                  Redmond Selecman Cole,
                                                                                                          Box 92, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

PS. You may know my family.  I am of the Bedford and Selecman family of Andrew County.



Dear Mr. Cole:
Mrs. Armstrong Beattie was an aunt of my mother.  Both she and Mr. Beattie died when I was a small lad and I know little of  his family history.
I suggest that you try the following parties:
Gates Beattie
RFD #3 St Joseph Mo.
M. L. Beattie
402 S. 12 St Joseph Mo.

They are kinsman of Armstrong Beattie if my understanding is correct.  I’m sorry I cannot serve you better.
Very Truly RW McDonald
824 N 9th 

Continue to Item 42

The Redmond S. and Mary Cole Collection - Beattie file

transcribed by Michael McPharlin and Diana Powell from Family History Library microfilm #1598160 item 6