R. Cole letter to Mary S. Wait

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                                                                              Tulsa, Oklahoma
                                                                              June 27, 1939

Mrs. Mary Stevenson Wait,
Burnside, Kentucky.

Dear Mrs. Wait:
 It seems there is something uncanny about your name.  I either get you confused with some one else, or spell the name wrong or ask you questions about your family when they should be about your husbands family.  But anyway I am sure you will excuse that mispelled  [sic] “Stevenson”.  I know what the correct spelling is.

 I am very mich [sic] in your debt for the letter you sent me dated June 16th, and other data.  The John W. Cowan data was especially appreciated.  I suppose I am in your debt for having sent my name to Mrs. _.C. Kennedy, for she wrote me, and gave me data about an earlier generations of Cowans.  John W. Cowans grandmother is [sic] seems was a GILMORE, so ------  I have writ_ten Mrs. Kennedy and asked her a host of questions about the Cowans and told her one fact which will interest you.  Her ancestor was Andrew Cowan.  She said he came to Kentucky from Russell Co., Va.  Now Russell County was organized out of Washington County, where my Cole ancestors lived.  In 1782 the Court recommended JOSEPH COLE, my ancestor, and Andrew Cowan, Mrs. Kennedy’s ancestor to be County Captains.  You see my forebears, numero_s inhabited that Virginia country, and this largely explains why I am so interested in learning the facts with regard the the [sic] family connections.

 I do not wonder that you are absobbed [sic] with your husband’s people.  I am intrigued by that name Wait. In Pawnee Oklahoma, I knew a Clark family.  Mrs. Clark coming from the Wait family in New England.  Her son WAIT Clark was County Attorney of Pawnee County, and now an attorney for the Phillips (“66”) Petroleum Company.  Then too there were persons in Washington County Virginia, bearing that name Wait, but now that I consider it I believe tha [sic] name they had was a corruption of Waitstill.  That name Waitstill, appears frequently in Connecticut families.

 I received yesterday a long letter from a Lady in Long Beach giving me a line on the family of FRANCIS BEATTIE, brother of your husbands ancestor John Beattie of Glade Springs, Va.  In fact I have been deluged with data regarding the Beatties, Logans[,] Cowans, Dysarts and kindred families.  Now that I have you definitely catalogued, I shall probably be writing you again and again to help get some item untangled, and you need not be surprised if I drive up before your door some time in Augusts [sic] and exhibit to you my charts.  My summer itinerary, includes the New York World’s Fair, but if I can make it, Somerset Kentucky will also ne [sic] on it.  Meanwhile with every good wish, I am,

        Yours sincerely,

        Redmond Selecman Cole
        Box 92, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Is there a printed booklet giving burials at Pisgah?


Continue to Item 32

The Redmond S. and Mary Cole Collection - Beattie file

transcribed by Michael McPharlin and Diana Powell from Family History Library microfilm #1598160 item 6