Mrs. Ruth Wait Tuttle letter to R. Cole

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                            Somerset Chapter DAR [typed letterhead]
                            Somerset, Kentucky

                                            Burnside, Ky
                                                      June 20, 1937

Mr. R.S. Cole
Tulsa, Okla.

Dear Sir - Your questions about the Beattie line was referred to me by Mrs. Vincent. I know of three Beaty families. Martin Beaty drilled the first oil well - 1818 or 19. We have this history of the well.  He was from Penn thro Va to Ky.

John Beattie that you ask about married an Edmonson had a big family, Eliza, Frank, William, Emmy, Florence, Fountain.  Eliza married Cyrenius Wait - his
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first wife.  They had one son Webster - he died in his teens. Cyrenius Wait married 2nd Martha Jane Newell - they are my grandparents.

My mother was Mary Eliza Beaty. Her father John Perry Beaty - his parents Jonathan Beaty and Polly Forgey [sp?] Beaty.  I have their bible, silver spoons, a few books but can find no further information and I’ve tried for years.  Their old home is on a high hill overlooking the Cumberland for miles and a mile from our home, on another high hill.  All these except Martin are buried in the county.  Our state regent has a great grandmother Margaret Beaty Handford that she is trying to establish her line.  I’ll be so glad to answer any questions I can.
           (Mrs. P.W.) Ruth Wait Tuttle

Continue to Item 26

The Redmond S. and Mary Cole Collection - Beattie file

transcribed by Michael McPharlin and Diana Powell from Family History Library microfilm #1598160 item 6