Washington Co. > Land Plats > William Moore Land

In 1812 an inclusive grant clarified the boundaries of William Moore's land based on a survey done in 1807. The new grant included part of 1000 acres originally granted to William Edmiston; 354 of those acres were sold by William and Margaret Edmiston to Samuel Buchanan Jr. in 1775; Samuel then sold 188 acres to William Moore in 1779. William Moore also purchased 53 acres to the west from David Carson in 1792. Small (15 and 5 acres) unclaimed tracts were also included in the inclusive 1812 grant.

Switch between map styles to vary the perspective. Drag the yellow icon across the map and notice that selected roads turn blue. Drop the icon on the road for a ground level view (please read about Street View). The orange flag indicates the location of Rock Spring Cemetery.

For more information (and source data) see: William Moore

William Moore land
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Note that the boundaries are approximate, especially along the southern half of the tract. The outline is meant only to suggest the general location as the 1807 survey from which this map was created was far from accurate. However in some areas, especially along the northern half of the tract it is still possible to see the tract boundaries in the outlines of the fields as they exist today.